The entry for ABC Wednesday is a stretch, but I could not think of any other Z's in PV. And I love 'Z' as that's the letter of my last name.
The spot for this photo is at Portuguese Point looking at the Abalone Cove. Even Amy, our Golden, enjoyed the view, although it's most likely a bird that caught her attention. The ice plant with flower is not native to this area, and is considered invasive as it spreads and overtakes the native plants.

I am very late posting this today, somehow the start of the year has been overwhelmingly busy. And now, I'm off to the gym, so as to keep at least one of the New Year's resolutions.
How are you doing on keeping your 2009 resolutions?Join
ABC Wednesday - Round3 here. Or click on the side bar for this week's anthology. Thank you, Mrs. Nesbitt and ABC Wednesday team.