I interupt the regularly scheduled NYC trip photos for a view of a Saturday at the beach that is a 15 minute drive from our house right next to PV. The weather is warm enough and the crowds are non-existant.

The first photo is for my friend from work, R, who said that if I want visitors on my blog, I just have to post women in bikinis.
Hello there! Thanks for your recent comments on my blog/Vrsac photo. There's another one today, and another scheduled soon. I love your NYC pics and also this California beach one....California Dreamin'!
I do little social experiments like this from time to time. Today I featured a truck, all kinds of guys showed up. Go figure.I think it's the Lisbon Daily Photo the has the Bum Bum Blog. You guessed it, it's all about bums.
Is R a guy? ;-) How about some muscle men for the other half of the population? LOL!
Beautiful beach in any case!
Sometimes nonexistent crowds are the best kind!
"Louis" will have to look quickly at the women in the bikinis and then move on so as not to incur the wrath of Mme la Vache! ;-)
Hard to believe that you still have people going to the beach and we had snow!
Love the beach shots- the mini whitecaps on the water are pretty
Well that idea gets my vote! Although these girls only have half their bikinis on!
Wll the girl clad Bikini's aren't for me. But if you have a passing Sean Connery as James Bond then alert me at once. Lovely beach though.
It's the ultimate money shot but I still prefer a man and his dog. Wish I was there
October at the beach - so many reason to live in S. California.
(Thanks for all your nice words about my photos.)
Those ladies look like they are on a beach in Brazil!
Lucky you have such beautiful beaches around...
I was at the beach yesterday, Redondo, for a scuba dive in the afternoon. I even took some underwater photos. Camera gadgets have gotten so fun!
It was a beautiful day. So clear and breezy and the water was great.
I feel so fortunate to live in the South Bay.
Well it worked... may be..
No beach weather in NY any more!!
One of my best friends just moved to Torrance. I'm planning my first trip to CA next April. Can't wait to go to this beach!
I prefer to visit daily photo blogs with great photos, like yours...hee..hee..and not becoz of the bikini girls pix. That's just bonus!
This is such a fun post! and what a hoot.....I wish I looked like that in a bikini!!!
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