Wednesday, August 5, 2009

'C' is for Color - Jacaranda in the Park (abc Wednesday)


RogerB said...

I'll bet that tree has been climbed a few times - it's a perfect climber.

The colors are perfect, but that pesky car poked into the shot. Don't be afraid to crop a photo like this, even if it means cutting some of the tree out of the shot. I zoomed around in your photo and it literally looks good regardless of the crop. :)

Tash said...

Roger - thx for the tip - I was afraid to crop it. Now it's fixed.

crocrodyl said...

Wow! The color is wonderful! I haven't seen such tree yet! Thanks! It is beautiful!

Frank said...

Beautiful setting and colors. Nice shot!

Come Away With Me said...

This reminds me...I'm surprised to see some jacarandas blooming again, thought I haven't seen any as full as this one. It's beautiful.

The wisteria is also putting out a second batch of blooms in my yard. Maybe it's all this heat!

marley said...

Stunning tree with stunning colours!

Lowell said...

That is perfect for climbing...very beautiful photo, Tash!

Anonymous said...

my car would tell you that it's the Jacaranda thats pesky. I don't know what it is, but these trees shed droplets of gunk. I have one next to my driveway and park under it.

Cezar and Léia said...

This Jacaranda is outstanding!Fabulous tree and perfect composition in this picture!You did an adorable postcard!

spacedlaw said...

These are such beautiful trees...
What do they smell like?

VP said...

Spectacular tree and great photo, I know nothing about this kind of tree... only that's beautiful!