Friday, May 4, 2012

At the Glass Chapel - Now & Then

The Tower by the Glass (Wayfarers) Chapel (which is hidden by the trees)
Tower Completed
 The glass chapel was designed by Lloyd Wright, the son of Frank Lloyd. I found the 1954 photo of the chapel with tower in the Visitor Center building of this Swedenborgian Church with the following caption: "The tower, sidewalks, berm planting stonewalls and Reflection Pool were constructed. Lloyd Wright called the tower a "Hallelujah" with a sense of upraised hands in celebration. The bells were added in 1978."

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


"Stellar Axis" (1992-1997) - Lita Albuquerque
I missed this April's sun alignment thru the Stellar Axis at the PV Main Library, however, I still get to enjoy the interesting sky view every time I visit the library.
 (A cylinder (or “viewing tube”) slices through four floors of lobby space and jutts thirteen feet above the roof. The sun aligns directly overhead two days a year and fills a transparent onyx oval on the floor. See more pictures by clicking lita-albuquerques-zenith-of-stellar.)

Eggsperience Pancakes and Café Restaurant in Chicago (14 April 2012)
On a related "shape" theme, I also very much enjoyed the ceiling ovals and an absolutely delicious "Eleni’s Egg White Delight" omelette for an early morning breakfast during a recent visit to Chicago.