Thursday, April 21, 2011

"Mum's the Word"

Tower Detail, University Church of St Mary, High St., Oxford, UK (Oct. 2010)
Anyone remember the Fun Boy Three version of "Our Lips are Sealed"?


Cezar and Léia said...

Impressive sculpture, really beautiful.
We wish you and your family 'Happy Easter",
purrs and lots of love to your heart!
Luna and mommy Léia

Almost Precious said...

That was one busy little spider! Does make for a very thought provoking composition.

Though I did google the lyrics to "Our lips are Sealed" I can't say as I'm familiar with the band "Fun Boy Three". But once my girls were all grown I lost touch with the latest bands and pop music, turned into a real old fuddy-duddy. I guess it's true what they say about "children keep us young". :D

Linda said...

No! None of this made any sense to me!! I am getting old!!!