Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Coming & Going -- Balboa Island, CA

An artificial island, now chock full of $1M cottages and many $M houses, and a fascinating place to walk for an afternoon.


Dave-CostaRicaDailyPhoto.com said...

We go to Newport Beach every summer, and a stroll around Balboa Island is usually one of the things we enjoy doing. It is charming, even if it has high density of small beach houses. The houses are well maintained, as they ought to be at the high prices, and the shops and restaurants are local and unique, not chains.

The tiny ferry over to the beaches of Balboa Peninsula is a throwback to an earlier time. The busy yacht harbor provides a lot of activity and eye candy.

TheChieftess said...

Did you run into my brother-in-law while there??? He's the one in the big tall house at the end of the island with parcels of kids going in and out at all times of the day and night!!!