Horsemen Mural, Millard Sheets, 1974
Glass mosaic inlaid in black granite Chase bank (formerly Home Savings & Loan) |
PV residents are so fortunate to have a Millard Sheets masterpiece available for daily viewing.
I've read that this work is called "50 Horsemen" although I count only 21 riders (?)
Wow! What a fine display. Kudos to Chase for maintaining this.
We have a bank building with that type of art work on it in Tujunga of all places!!! I don't know about the artist...I'm off to Wikepedia!!!
I was a kid and mad for horses when this was installed. I still think it's stunning.
Jack - splendid, isn't it. I also enjoy seeing the individual tiles up close.
Chieftess - we'll have to do a Millard Sheets (former) Home Savings & Loan photo tour when you come down next! Pas Adj adores the one in Claremont.
Christina - How wonderful that you have such a long-term affection for these ponies.
Isn't it interesting how Mr Sheets has had this resurgence and renewed interest in his work? Theres a great interior mural of his in Pomona in a building that now houses the American Museum of Pottery (think thats what it's called). The place we were on our way too
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